Women who make it work: Kimberly Fields


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Kimberly Fields is a 27-year-old whirling dervish of energy and enthusiasm. Whether she is working as a communications specialist, building her own consulting business, or taking her 5-year-old daughter to ballet lessons, she’s constantly moving forward. And since we work for the same company (actually, we share a cubicle wall) I know exactly how hard she works.
Q: Let’s start with your number one priority. What’s the best thing about being a mom?

A: For me, the best thing about being a mom is the uncertainty because it’s constantly forcing me outside of my comfort zone, it challenges me to think a little bit harder before I make decisions, it reminds me to be considerate of how my actions and life affect the well being of others. Motherhood (or let’s just be frank, parenthood in general) is a NEVER-ENDING job, but it’s also the most rewarding job I’ll ever hold in my life and I wouldn’t trade it for anything in this world.

Q: What tips do you have for working moms?

A: I’ve got a couple:

  1. Venting is totally and completely necessary.
  2. Time to yourself is required for sanity – don’t let anyone tell you anything different.
  3. Your dreams and goals matter – achieve them.
  4. Keep everything in its proper perspective – what you experience as a mother is for YOU. Advice and wisdom is always a plus, but don’t let anyone define motherhood for you, define it for yourself!
  5. Always remember to laugh and smile more than you cry  – there will be good days and bad days; learn to count it all joy.

Q: What are your career aspirations?

A: To be a small business owner of a consulting firm. I desire to manage this in addition to my corporate career. I know that I want to make a difference wherever God takes me in my career, including, but not limited to, teaching on the collegiate level, counseling young adults and families, starting a nonprofit organization for young people and the list goes on. Truth is, I don’t have it all figured out – I take each day as it comes, conquering the present and pressing toward whatever the future holds.

Q: You’re in an executive MBA program. What has it been like going back to school and working at the same time?

Kim 2A: First off, God gets all the glory out of my life and its success. He is the head and center of everything I am and will become. At the heart of it, he makes it all possible.

Going back to school, working, being there for my family, growing spiritually, and the list goes on – is A LOT. I don’t strive to be superwoman but I’ve certainly learned that I’m stronger than I thought I was. Balance is key – learning what’s important in the moment you’re in is helpful when you’re trying to “do it all.” It’s hectic at times but in the moments where it’s calm, I realize that it’s all worth it because I get to see the fruit of my labor (my accomplishments, my daughter growing, etc) blossoming one day at a time. My husband is amazing and incredibly helpful. He definitely balances me out and helps keep me sane in those moments when I feel completely overwhelmed. Without him, I wouldn’t be able to handle it all.

Q: What’s in your bag?

A: The real question is “what’s NOT in my bag?” That’s probably harder to answer. I currently have a few random crumbs from food I can’t identify, wet wipes (I ALWAYS have these or some form of a tissue/napkin) a ziploc bag of random snacks – nothing says happy and calm like a kid with their favorite snack.
Q: What do you think the biggest challenge is that working moms face and what can we do about it?

To me, the biggest challenge for the working mom is the “I have to be everything, to everyone” attitude. Newsflash ladies: No.you.don’t. And for those of us that place that demand upon ourselves (shamefully raises my own hand) we need to learn to admit that it’s our own fault and then reevaluate. As mothers, we have to learn to set realistic expectations for ourselves and everyone else involved (yes, even our children). Learn to be okay with missing a play date, soccer game or ballet lesson here and there, sometimes I think we’re more dramatic than our families are when we “miss out” on something – your children only know and adjust to what you teach them.

Q: Who is your role model?

A: There are a lot of people I could list here, but I choose to tribute BOTH of my parents. My parents were commuters, we lived an hour away from their jobs and still to this day they make that same commute. Time during the week with my parents, was limited. Grandma made sure we had breakfast and got on the bus every day and my parents picked us up after school. Even with two parents who worked very hard to provide me and my siblings with an amazingly and extremely privileged childhood; I can honestly say, they never missed a beat. I don’t have memories of them never being there or not supporting me in those moments I really needed them. They set expectations and more importantly, they set an example. They taught me that a successful career didn’t have to be compromised because they were raising three children. They made it work; and for that I am grateful.

Q: How do you “make it work?”

Kim 4For me, there is no such thing as “throwing in the towel” or “calling it quits.” When something isn’t working, you just try something else until you find your sweet spot or balance to satisfy all that’s required of you. And quite frankly, you’ll probably never find your sweet spot because as you grow and change, so does your family, so you’re constantly readjusting. But being okay with that and being willing to readjust is how you learn to balance it all.


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